Today I reached a milestone!!! After three years on myspace, I surpassed 1 MILLION TOTAL PLAYS!!!!!
It feels like breaking the backboard on NBA JAM, doing your first finishing move on Mortal Kombat, (Sub-Zero was my favorite!!!), and biting into a York Peppermint Patty while skiing down the Swiss Alps!!!! Well you get the point!! Lol
The next question that popped into my head was this…What next!!! I mean after you surpass 1 million total plays, what is the next milestone that you could achieve? It feels that myspace has became a game to me over the years.
I’m trying to get signed/noticed/put on etc, and myspace is a viable way , or so I think, to get into mainstream America! One has to think at some point in that time when is the best time to stop!?!? Have I done everything that I could possible do through myspace?? Do I start building my profile on another website? There has to be another social website that I could conqueror ? I must admit Facebook is looking real sexy to me!!! Nah myspace has been a good friend to Dubbs Lane over the years!! Helping me getting my name out to all four corners of the world! Its just time for me to start exploring different option through myspace!!!
Long story short, I’m thankful for all the people who have supported me through the years!!! From the producers who have helped me with Productions, Artist that I have collabed with, Djs that have put me on the mixtapes, and last but surely not least…The 3F1s!!!
There have been so many people that have emailed/commented on the material that have been on my page!! I am thankful for each and everyone of you!!!
Now its time for me to work on the next Million!!!!
Dubbs Lane
“Its Fresh Air”