Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Can't Accept Defeat....but I Understand It


Today I received news that all artist dread hearing. Recently I submitted my EPK, Electronic Press Kit, to an online Radio Station for consideration for airplay.

The advertisement read

"ShadesRadio.com is the platform for original Hip-hop style talk, music and culture. At the same time, it is an edutainment source through which they cultivate an appreciation for music in general. The station focuses on Hip-hop and the music that influenced it, but they also set aside broadcast time for non-Hip-hop based genres geared towards Hip-hop lovers.

The station interviews, live shows and panel discussions. They are currently accepting Hip-hop song submissions, as well as Soul, R&B, Funk and Alternative Rock for other programming. Please note that they are interested in old-school Hip-hop sounds, not gangsta or dance. Lyrical artists and Christian rappers are encouraged to submit, especially artists along the lines of Run-DMC, Common, Little Brother, Slum Village, Rakim, etc. "

The advertisement sounded like something that was feasible for me to be accepted. I like the fact that the station focused on lyrics and substances vs. swagger and gimmicks. So I submitted my song "Thoughts Lyrics and Music" off of my next project Welcome To Myspace Vol2 :Thoughts and Lyrics. Do to the fact that lyrics and substance are selling points for this station my management and I felt that Thoughts Lyrics and Music would have been the best song to submit. Well after the reviewing process was completed my management team notified me that I wasn't selected--bummer!!!!

I wasn't mad or anything of that nature, because if it was meant to happen it would have. The biggest thing that I have learned throughout this grinding process of recording,peforming, and searching for media outlets, you learn to understand that there are going to be speed bumps along the way.

Notice I said understand not ACCEPT!!!! Please, don't think that I am totally cool with not being selected!!! This "setback" lets me know that a couple of things:

1:) Work harder as well as Smarter
2:) A bigger opportunity is out there with name on it!! ( This just may be a blessing in disguise!)

I am writing this story for all aspiring artist out there in my boat. I understand your pain. Sometime the grind seems like a treadmill!! Your running in place, but your not moving. Please don't be discouraged!! Keep grinding. Remember you have to have "Drive like a Trucker" if you want to get somewhere in this buisness!!!

Dubbs Lane
"It Fresh Air"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Pitty The Fool!!!!!


I was watching one of the I love 80's shows, when I seen this!!!!!!

D.C. CAB starring Mr. T, Gary Busey, Adam Baldwin.

So my movie recomendation for tonight is D.C. Cab!!!

Remember At DC Cab when these guys hit the streets guess what hit the fan!

"I Pitty The Fool"

Dubbs Lane
"It Fresh Air"

Here is trailer to one of most slept on movie from the 80's

How Not to Spend a Friday Night!!!!


Last night was supposed to be an uneventful night. I went out to chill at my folks house. It was raining so we wasn't going no where that meant getting dressed up and walking with umbrellas! So after a night of shooting the breeze, I decided to call it a night at about 11:30pm.

I’m taking my sweet time home when the I get a flat tire. So after curses, mostly due to the fact it is raining cats and dogs outside, I get out to get the spare and jack to change this flat tire.

Well the parkway I was driving on has no light so it is basically pitch black dark. But I still fine just pissed off still that it raining. I putting the spare on, and about to start tighten up the lugs’ when the oh SHIT FACTOR KICKS IN!!!!

The damn jack slipped and the tire along with the tire fell on my damn foot! That’s right on my damn foot!!!! What really sucks is who in their right mind will stop for a total stranger at 1am in the morning on a dark highway in the rain?? Your damn right nobody!!!!! I tried to signal everybody that passed. The pain was terrible, and not to mention it was raining like hell.

But God sent me two people to help me out. Two dudes by the name of Malcolm and Cool. They both were driving and seen me wailing my arms out of sheer panic! They took the chance and pulled over. They lifted the car off of my foot, and change the tire for me.

Afterward I went to the damn hospital!!! A couple of cold compresses and a X-Rays later I was released with a severely sprained foot. No broken bones. Milk does a body good folks!!! Lol

But I am grateful that Malcolm and Cool were there to help me out in my time of need. Thirty minutes with a car on your foot is not a way to spend your Friday Night!!!

Dubbs Lane

"Its Fresh Air"

Friday, September 26, 2008

AR Radio Interview New Mixtape

On 9-11-08 I had my first Radio Interview! I had a blast with AR Radio!! Sirius, the host,on point with question and he knew what was going on with Fresh Air Ent. So check out it out! Hopefully I didn't make a fool of myself!!

Also, the Long Awaited AR Radio Mixtape was released on 9-25-08. So Be on the lookout, it will be sold for $4 and will feature artists such as: Dubbs Lane, Lil Be-Z, Sha Stimuli, Sirius, T-Mell, KB, Lil Dee aka God Gift, E.ness, Elliott Ness(NC Emcee), and many more!!!

To get your copy contact AR Radio at:


DC Hip Hop Gettin My U Street On


Here is a good video from the "DC Hip Hop Series: Gettin My U Street On" (shouts to Wale for the line). Moments like this is what I love about the grind process. I'm so at peace with myself when I am performing. Here is a video from of a performance at club Pure in Washington DC. I hope you all enjoy!

Dubbs Lane Cosgins: Quwon Stuidos

3F1's whats good?!

This week I would like to Cosign Quwon Studios.

Quwon Studios
is a full-service graphic design agency, which takes pride in producing advertisement and marketing materials that are both visually strong and practical.
With our design savvy and expert graphic skills, we can help you with your advertising and marketing strategy, refine your corporate identity and strengthen your companies brand.

With their web design services, they can efficiently and cost effectively execute your total advertising and marketing needs.

Their services include: Promotional Flyers, Mailers, Brochures, Logos, Letterhead, Business Cards,Package Design, Web Design, and Interactive Media.

Whether you're around the corner or across the ocean, Quwon Studios will be able to help you. Contact us today! Together we'll create visually-exciting, cost-effective marketing solutions for your business.



Album/Mixtape Artwork:



Just click on the price list below and you be redirected to Quwon Studios!!!!

Tell em' Dubbs Lane sent cha!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Answer This

Quick Question... Does saying "I am Hip Hop" really mean "I am a Hater"?

I was driving into work this morning and I was thinking about a show I
performed at on 9-17-08. Nothing crazy like women throwing undergarments
on the stage or nothing of that nature....No fights no ruckus no
nothing....Just a regular night at a club.

As the first performance was getting underway, the artist felt he had
"PSA" to get off his chest. He stated that it was time to bring "Hip
Hop" to his region, and his city was always getting looked over blah
blah blah blah!!!

At first I thought...Damn this guy really loves his city and he wants to
see it do good. He is just pissed off that the spotlight has shined on
his city..

Then he said something that I have heard too many times before!!! The
"Soulja Boy" killed hip hop speech.

Look I'm going to be honest...I don't own a Soulja Boy Cd, nor am I a
die hard fan.....but I can say this....give that kid the credit he
deserves...He targeted an audience...marketed to them...and make massive
amounts of money. I'm not saying his music is great, but I am saying he
is smart. He knew what people wanted hear. Mind you when I say "people"
I mean the demographic he targeted, ( 21yrs and below crowd.)

I get tired of these "Hip Hop" artist saying Soulja Boy killed Hip Hop.
Or better yet "Down South" Music killed Hip Hop. That is absurd!!! You
wanna know what killed hip hop??? When Hip Hop stopped being competitive
and became repetitive!!!!

Some where along the lines people became scared to be themselves. "Hip
Hoppers" just wanted to be what they saw on t.v. Bandwagon Backpackers,
Coat-Tailing Trappers!! How many times have you seen or heard somebody
say they hate down south or "Soulja Boy" music but turn around and have
a screw chopped hook or better yet they have a song teaching you a new
dance?? That shit just doesn't make sense!!!

Stop saying what it and what ain't hip hop!! The last time I check hip
hop was created by people who wanted to express themselves regardless of
what other people thought. Hip Hop is not about CONFORMING!!! I'm not
saying some of the some of the music out here is not bullshit, but at
the same time "Hip Hop" cats aren't making good music either!! A lot of
Soulja Boy hater can't pay people to listen to their shit for free right
now!! (i.e. add you favorite underground never made it mad rapper

I'm tired of hearing cats saying I'm bringing Hip Hop back to my city or
I'm going to bring Hip Hop back!!! Truth is nobody wants to hear that
SHIT!!! Hip Hop is too many things now. Its everywhere!!!!

The best thing you can do is accept the fact that Hip Hop has grown up.
Its not in the hood anymore! Thats one thing I hate is the "Hood
Mentality" All that means is that... You are sleep walking today,
dreaming about yesterday, not thinking for tomorrow.

Whew! I'm done with my rant! Hopefully I gave you guy some insight to my
thought process! Oh yeah last thing before I get out of here.... If you
have ever said "I am Hip Hop" , but turned around and pointed the finger
at someone i.e. Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne.... for the reason you haven't or
your city or your region haven't made it.....Then saying "I am Hip Hop"
and switch it too "I am a Hater"

Dubbs Lane

"Its Fresh Air"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dubbs Lane Cosigns: Vatalent.com

What Going On 3F1's

As all of you know by now, I am an underground artist trying to surface on the mainstream level. Let me tell you something, sometimes the grind seems endless as well as impossible. No one can do it all by themselves. Don't let an artist tell you anything remotely different. You need help along the way. I'm thankful for people who have seen something in me that they like and out of the kindness of their heart, they decided to help me.

So I have decided to start the "Dubbs Lane Official Cosign" blog! Which are connects that I come across from people who actually do what they say, and say what they do.

First on the "Dubbs Lane Official Cosign", are the good guys at VAtalent.com. VAtalent.com is a blog style website catering to the urban demographic. It provides the latest issues ranging from Music/Movies/Politics. This website was created as a platform display talented artist from the Virginia area. There is an abundance of talented underground artist featured on this website. The most beautiful thing about Vatalent.com, is that this website is really dedicated to giving a voice to underground artist. Face it if you are not "connected" your chances are pretty slim on you being a feature artist on certain known Hip Hop websites. Vatalent.com serves the vehicle to drive your career into the right direction. If are building your press kit (musical resume), like I am, you definitely know that it is always a good thing to have your features websites/magazine articles included in your package. Trust me, Vatalent.com is your one stop shop!

VAtalent.com is broken down into seven categories.

News: Latest news in music, movies, politics and world issues

Insight: Provides the latest information on upcoming events

Word Iz: You know Vatalent.com has to keep you up on the latest gossip on the streets.

Listings: Provides up to date listing of the hottest events going on in the Great State of Virginia

Food 4 Thought: Issues that VAtalent.com's audience should really think about.

New Releases: Upcoming music releases from your favorite artist

Videos: Viewers are able to watch Vatalent.com TV

To all of the Underground artist who are looking for exposure make sure you check out the Featured Artist section of the website. This also applies to Promoter, Talent Scouts, who are looking for artist quality unsigned artist to fill spots on upcoming events.

So there you have it folks!!! VAtalent.com is the website for you if you are looking for the upcoming events, latest news, hottest music, and last but not least....IF YOU ARE AN ASPIRING ARTIST LOOKING TO GET YOUR MUSIC ON A WEBSITE!!!

So stop by Vatalent.com today to create a profile, log in and enjoy the plethora of information on the website for your enjoyment!! Tell em Dubbs Lane sent ya!!!!

Dubbs Lane

"Its Fresh Air"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dubbs Lane's Holiday

What's going on 3F1's?!??!

Quick question for you...

What's does B.B. King, David Copperfield, Marc Anthony, Amy Poehler Kordell Stewart, Kyla Pratt, and Nick Jonas have in common?...(no cheating)

That's right you've guessed it! We are all born on the same day!! September 16. So Happy Birthday to all of the aforementioned people as well as all the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE born in September!!!

Today Dubbs Lane turns a Quarter of a Century (25)!!! It's official I am finally a GROWN UP!! Meaning I'm old enough to get offended when I get carded for things at convenience stores. Now I can go to the grown and sexy club and hit on grown and sexy women with 401K!! lol

Now that I think about it.. every birthday from here on out for me is just milestones... 30-40-50-death lol. They say you are as young as you feel, but I'm old enough now to know that I shouldn't were my underwear for a week straight to take them off to wear them on the reverse side!!!

Quick question if 30 is the new 20 does that make me 15 or 10 years removed??? If I had my choice just keep me at 25 in this Recession I need to save all the money I can...I saved money by not switching my car issuance.... Shouts out to USAA for the up coming discount!!!

That doesn't mean I don't want to be a kid again for my birthday!! It seems like yesterday I was campaigning to my parent for a gameboy/10 speed/new shoes etc. Damn those times were the best!!! I remember the days when birthdays second to no holidays Not Christmas, Halloween, or the Last Day of School. Think about it, what other day of the year do you get a present for being able to still breathe on the day you were born!!!! Think of all the pre-requisites for the other holidays.. Better not shout better not cry (Christmas), To much candy can make your teeth rotten (Halloween), I know wasn't the only kid who was scared of the Easter Bunny, ( besides I never found the golden egg at the Easter hunt), Last but not least If you GRADES SUCKED IN SCHOOL... your summer vacations sucked too!!!

So see Birthdays are always the best!!!!! Since I'm getting in touch with my inner child.. I have decided include my all time wish for this B-Day!!!!!

1.) Paper Crown Hat from Burger King

2.) Alphie II (Learning Toy Robot) by Playskool

3.) Tonka Trunk

4.) Dick Tracy 2-Way Wristwatch Playmates 1990

5.) Super Soaker 300

6.) Super Nintendo ( Bill Walsh College Football, Live 95, Street Fighter, and MKII)

It doesn't matter in what order I get them but those are things I need in my life right now!!! Well if not for me for my inner child!!!!!

Excuse me now while I go up on my Grown-Up dinner to Chucky Cheese...Dave and Buster just don't cut it!!!

Dubbs Lane

"Its Fresh Air"

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dubbs Lane B-Day Show 1 of 3 Fish Head Cantina 9-14-08

What’s going on 3F1's,

Last night (9-14) I did the 1st of my 3 B-Day shows!! The good guys at MC Entertainment decided to throw a B-Day Show at the Fish Head Cantina. It was good times to say the least. The night started included kick-@ss performances by Jade Fox, Saureel, Mic Cannibals, J-Reed, PEP and of course Dubbs Lane.

Jade Fox started off the event with a bangin 20 min set. I like her as a femcee. She can captivate an audience with good lyrics. This girl doesn't try to be one of the "guys" She just recites good lyrics. Her guitarist and her hype man assisted her. Who surprised the crowd with a freestyle to end her set.

Up next was a phenomenal kid by the name of Saureel. This kid is a monster talent. He preformed songs last that got the crowd hyped as he ripped 30 minutes of sheer high energy right in your face Hip Hop. My favorite song of Saureel's set, as well as the crowd, was the unapologetic "Call Me After Nine" I think the title speaks for itself but, for all of you who don't get it...CALL ME AFTER NINE!!!

After a brief intermission.... ( The DJ needed a drink from the Bar) DJ King Illah gave a special PSA announcement....."We hate Rap and Roll Artists" (see Rap and Roll Artist blog for definition)

Now it was time for the man of the hour. Dubbs Lane. After a beautiful introduction from HD of MC Entertainment, it was my turn to do my thang. I ripped into a "Freestyle" to get the crowd hyped up anticipating my 40-minute set. After that I went into crowd favorites "I Dig It", and "Like Yo". I perform new joints off my upcoming project Welcome To Myspace Vol2, which included "Ah Stick Em", “Thoughts Lyrics and Music” “MLK to 110th”, and “For The Love”. The climax of my set is when I jumped into after “For The Love”. "How U Want". That is when Fish Head Cantina erupted. During the performance 15 members of the audiences jumped on the stage with me to help me sing an underground favorite. I jumped off in the crowd to rap to the audience on stage. It was clearly a highlight of my underground career. To have people there for my b-day show signing my songs with me was truly a blessing and a memory to cherish forever. I ended my 40 minutes with “Understand”. I tell you I had to loose about 5 pounds sweating on that stage. Stage light is so damn hot!!!!!! But I would gladly risk heat exhaustion again for a chance relive that night.

Mic Cannibals jumped on the stage after my performance and did what they do best....Eat mics the fux up!!! I mean with a name like Mic Cannibals, would you expect anything else? This night they pulled out of all the tricks. They brought on the stage an artist by the name of DANK....( His initial spell DANK..) I learned something by watching Dank's performance with Mic Cannibals....You really can't understand an artist lyrics when he is slurring because he is drunk. Dank might have slurred his words doing his featured songs, but his swagger along with ability to keep on beat made it a funny performance none the less. HD and A6 of the MC, continued to bring the heat with new unheard of tracks off the up coming projects. I can tell you one thing there wasn't a head bobbing through of the whole Mic Cannibals set.

Next up on the bill were Underground Tested and Underground Respected J-Reed. This guy is a talent I can truly appreciate. He is the type of artist who appreciates Hip Hop but doesn't harp on the direction the genre is heading in. He just continues to make good music, and perform stellar set; last night was no different. J-Reed's 30-minute set kept the crowd energy level going with his performance. His stage presence along with his witty delivery makes a great combination for a good performance.

All in all it was a good night for hip-hop....but it was a better night for me!!! lol. After J-Reed's set... I was SMASHED MAN SMASHED!!! It was a night to remember. Great venue, great performance, and great drinks!!!!! Next stop of by weeklong birthday celebration Tay-Land Promotion Presents Hip Hop @ Taste International 9-17-08!!!!!!

It's Fresh Air!!!

Welcome To Dubbs Lane's 3F1's Blog Series

What going on 3F1's!!!!!

Allow for me to introduce myself! My name is Dubbs Lane (Your Friendly Neighborhood Rhymer)

I am starting this blog series for my 3F1's! 3F1'S stands for Fans. Friends. Family all in one!

I am an aspiring artist trying to create different platforms for myself to connect with my 3F1's

So over the next days/months/years/decades I will be posting new blogs about various topics.

Hopefully I will be able to entertain as I talk about all craziness that is associated in the day in the life of Dubbs Lane

Thank you!!!!

Dubbs Lane

"Its Fresh Air"