Last night was supposed to be an uneventful night. I went out to chill at my folks house. It was raining so we wasn't going no where that meant getting dressed up and walking with umbrellas! So after a night of shooting the breeze, I decided to call it a night at about 11:30pm.
I’m taking my sweet time home when the I get a flat tire. So after curses, mostly due to the fact it is raining cats and dogs outside, I get out to get the spare and jack to change this flat tire.
Well the parkway I was driving on has no light so it is basically pitch black dark. But I still fine just pissed off still that it raining. I putting the spare on, and about to start tighten up the lugs’ when the oh SHIT FACTOR KICKS IN!!!!
The damn jack slipped and the tire along with the tire fell on my damn foot! That’s right on my damn foot!!!! What really sucks is who in their right mind will stop for a total stranger at 1am in the morning on a dark highway in the rain?? Your damn right nobody!!!!! I tried to signal everybody that passed. The pain was terrible, and not to mention it was raining like hell.
But God sent me two people to help me out. Two dudes by the name of Malcolm and Cool. They both were driving and seen me wailing my arms out of sheer panic! They took the chance and pulled over. They lifted the car off of my foot, and change the tire for me.
Afterward I went to the damn hospital!!! A couple of cold compresses and a X-Rays later I was released with a severely sprained foot. No broken bones. Milk does a body good folks!!! Lol
But I am grateful that Malcolm and Cool were there to help me out in my time of need. Thirty minutes with a car on your foot is not a way to spend your Friday Night!!!
Dubbs Lane
"Its Fresh Air"
1 comment:
Ugh that's jus Wrong....
I remember when I was young and I was acting like a frog and jumped on a pencil it went into my foot....
The absolute horror. Your story definitely beats mine, Young grasshopper
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